Saturday, March 5, 2016

He wants my heart.

I've been doing a lot of soul searching. 

I've been praying, crying, and praying some more. There's several big things I've been asking God for. Big, seeming impossible things. Dreams that are God-sized. 

I had a breakthrough finally the other day. I was begging the Lord for wisdom, crying out - "God, what do YOU want?" And you know what He immediately answered, as clear as day? He said in that still small voice -- "YOUR HEART." 

I learned in that instant - that the journey I'm on is not about the things God will or won't give me, the prayers that will or won't get answered in the way that I'm contending for. The journey He has me on is all about MY HEART.

It's about trusting Him, through it all, whether He answers my prayers or not. 

All we go through in life is a vehicle in which our hearts are refined. He uses our experiences, our waiting, our pain, all of it - He uses everything to draw our hearts closer to His heart.


1 comment:

  1. I've been in the same boat. I feel like God had placed a dream in my heart and still many years later it hasn't happened yet. I must wait and trust.



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