Wednesday, October 31, 2012

some cuteness for your wednesday

there's three things that I love about this photo: 
1. how Robby's tummy is pooching out of shirt (it was Clint's shirt, by the way!)
2. how cute Robby's profile looks while he's sucking his thumb 
3. how Robby is holding Benjamin's foot 

that smile melts my heart!

here's a clip of Robby singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"
(get ready for extreme cuteness!)


I'm so busy right now. Trying to keep my head above water. I've got so much to do today to get ready for my booth tomorrow. Not to mention, Joseph's 4th birthday is tomorrow, too! Craziness!

Hope y'all have a great day!


  1. aw, melt my heart too!!! what a cutie

  2. Diane9:28 PM

    HOW CUTE ! ! ! ! We LOVE that little guy and hard to believe that little shirt is at least 39 years old ! ! ! Grandmama and PaPa R

  3. Too cute!!! ;) xo Heather



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