Friday, June 7, 2013

big night for my hubby

 Clint wanted to take his photo with Benjamin, who won a Perfect Attendance Award. :)

Last night, at the school's end of the year Awards Ceremony, my sweet husband was awarded the Teacher of the Year award. I am so so proud of him! He totally deserves it. He's such a hard worker, with a servant's heart. Always going above and beyond the call of duty. Working behind the scenes. Never caring about the recognition. But, man, it made my heart so happy when they called his name and presented him a beautiful crystal plaque with his name engraved on it. He had tears in his eyes. (And I was totally crying)

As a wife, it makes me so happy to see my husband recognized and honored in this way. He truly is a wonderful teacher. He cares so much about his students. 

Afterwards in the car on the way home, Clint said to me. 
"You know, I share this award with you. I couldn't do what I do without you."

I love to support him and help him be all that he can be. 
It's truly a blessing for me!


  1. this makes me soooooo happy!!!!! YES!!!!

  2. Aww... And when I rad what he said to you in the car, I teared up!



  3. I am so grateful he was honored with that award, how special. Enjoy your lovely summer!

  4. Anonymous11:55 PM




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