Thursday, July 18, 2013

a dress for talitha

I felt like sewing today so I whipped up a cute little pillowcase dress for Ruth's baby doll, Talitha. 

Ruth picked this fun daisy pillowcase out of my fabric stash. 

yo-yo's make everything better!


I am happy with how it turned out.
It's not perfect, but you should have seen Ruth's face when I showed her.

And that joy on her face is all that matters!

love her!


It's amazing to me how happy I feel when I take time to create and use my hands to bless someone else.  It really is therapeutic!

Hope y'all are having a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! you are such a great Mama! My Grammie sewed outfit after outfit for my baby doll, Sugar Darling. Somewhere in her attic is a full box of them!
    Tell Ruth I LOVE her doll's name. In fact, Talitha is what we were going to name Asher if he had been the girl we were expecting to have!



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