Thursday, April 11, 2013

John's daughter

My dad gave me this mug last week when we stopped through Atlanta on our way back from Clint's parents. This is probably the sweetest gift my dad has ever given me. And he's given me a lot of gifts over the years. I drank my hot cup of Cafe Francais in the mug this morning. And as I reread the little poem on the side, holding the warm mug in my hands, a few tears rolled down my face. I felt loved and accepted, by my dad. It was a sweet way to start my morning!

My mom told me that my dad reads my blog every day on his ipad.
So, Dad, I wanted to publicly say thanks for such a special gift! You're the best!!



  1. The mug is so pretty!!! :)

    I love reading your blogs. If you don't mind, can you give me feedbacks on my blog:

    I've recently started blogging and would love feedback from an expert like yourself. It would mean a lot!!

    Thank you.

  2. Lora - this is beautiful - what a sweet gift :)

  3. That's really precious of him! You will cherish that mug always:). I like unique coffee mugs, but they are even better when from a loved one!



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